Van onze partners – Pagina 8
De voordelen van een VCA-diploma
Een VCA-cursus en het bijbehorende certificaat bieden bedrijven in (petro)chemische sectoren tal van voordelen. In dit artikel kom je te weten wat deze voordelen precies inhouden.
Rapid, high-productivity purification of adeno-associated virus
Cytiva’s Fibro technology, known for its increased throughput and productivity in monoclonal antibody purification, is being extended to capture adeno-associated virus (AAV).
Forward planning in single-use production
Aiming to stay ahead of the demand for single-use products, Parker recently increased its existing cleanroom capacity. Combined with the company’s proactive stock policy, this extra capacity is proving useful in the context of COVID-19.
Full process control through integrated PAT
Hamilton’s Arc Air interface enables GMP workflows, with its single-use intelligent sensors combined with the latest generation of process analytical technology (PAT).
The gains of automated perfusion
Cytiva has introduced an innovation that supports the biotech industry’s move to continuous manufacturing. Called the Xcellerex Automated Perfusion System (APS), it simplifies processes and reduces risk when intensifying upstream operations.
Customisable, low-cost automated tube filling system
Gilson has developed a compact, low-cost tube filling system that has the flexibility to fill bottles, tubes, vials, or microplates quickly. With the current pandemic, there is an exponential demand for diagnostic testing of patients for COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Up To 30% Off Select Pipettes For All New Customers
For a limited time, all new customers on receive up to 30% off select PIPETMAN air-displacement pipettes by creating an account and shopping online.
Veilig chemisch afval verzamelen
“Blootstelling aan gevaarlijke dampen wordt optimaal gereduceerd door VARIO-Flow techniek”
Customizable solutions
‘Puresu customised assemblies offer a unique range of benefits to customers with different bioprocessing needs’
Linking upstream and downstream: “These ‘platforms of the future’ are ideally suited to produce the ‘molecules of the future’”
Sartorius has recently acquired the industry-proven BioSMB technology: an integrated single-use device that allows for continuous chromatography. Combined with the company’s established portfolio for upstream processing, this paves the way for new developments in process intensification.
Bioprocess data warehouse: Eve automatically generates and processes data accumulated from different sources
New bioprocess solutions can integrate devices and workflows, generate and store information, and use this information to automatically control bioprocesses. Eve, developed by INFORS HT, is an example of such an advanced ‘bioprocess data warehouse’.
Full support with GMP-ready systems
Good Manufacturing Practice, or GMP, is rapidly becoming commonplace in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. It may seem daunting, but individual companies don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Suppliers such as Hamilton provide full GMP solutions.
Single-use in automated bulk filling and dispense
Parker Bioscience develops single-use solutions that address a wide range of challenges in product transport, storage and final filling.
A fiber matrix for scalable chromatography
Cytiva has developed Fibro: a new technology for chromatography. Its fiber matrix allows for high binding capacities at very short residence times, resulting in increased throughput and productivity in mAb purification.
Baris trekt zijn labjas aan en vertelt na een iets frustrerende start over de nieuwe ED-XRF SPECTROCUBE.
COVID labshifts and our race against the clock…
Do you recognize that? Missed the infection point. It appears just have happened when you were not in the lab. Saturday morning 6:15 PM.
De eerste ICP-MS met vier quadrupool massafilters
Tijdens een live webinar op dinsdag 26 mei om 10.00u introduceert PerkinElmer ’s werelds eerste Multi-Quadrupool ICP-MS.
Automatisering van monsteraanmelding tot facturering
Het microbiologische lab Agro Food Lab verkreeg dankzij het laboratory information management system (LIMS) van iVention een versnelde en geoptimaliseerde doorvoer van monsters.
Een complete testketen
Door snel te schakelen en nieuwe, slimme oplossingen voor automatisering te bedenken, levert MolGen een flinke bijdrage aan de Nederlandse SARS-CoV-2-testcapaciteit.
Een flexibel én gevalideerd farma cloud platform
Het farmaceutische bedrijf Tiofarma is maar wat blij met het nieuwe laboratory information management system (LIMS) van iVention. ‘Alles kan met dit systeem, je kunt het zo gek niet bedenken.’