It’s a good day for European science thanks to the €652 million that is awarded to 255 researchers through a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant. Among the lucky ones are four KNCV members and one NVBMB member.  

The ERC Advanced Grant is one of the funding instruments of the European Research Council (ERC) and aims to provide established, leading scientists with a proven track-record the opportunity to set up ambitious, curiosity-driven research projects.  

A total of 1829 proposals were submitted in this round, out of which 255 eventually made it across the finish line; a success rate of just under 14%.  

An ERC Advanced Grant amounts to a maximum of €2.5 million, most intended to create research positions. It is estimated that this round will lead to almost 2,500 new jobs for (young) researchers.  

Belgium and the Netherlands saw 9 and 23 proposals honoured, respectively, across the three categories: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences and Social Sciences and Humanities.  

Among the laureates from the first two categories are four KNCV members and one NVBMB member: 

NVBMB-member René Bernards, Netherlands Cancer Institute 

project: PARADOX — Paradoxical activation of oncogenic signaling as a cancer treatment strategy  

KNCV-member Roberta Croce, VU Amsterdam 

project: FARED WELL — Photosynthesis in far-red: from cyanobacteria to plants 

KNCV-member Petra de Jongh, Utrecht University  

project: PromSusCat — How a pinch of salt makes all the difference for sustainable fuels and chemicals; The role of promoters to catalyse the production of low carbon fuels 

KNCV-member Albert Heck, Utrecht University 

project: REVAMP — REVisiting Antibody structures and repertoires through advances in Mass spectrometry and Proteomics  

KNCV-member Jan van Hest, Eindhoven University of Technology  

project: PRO-ARTIS — Protein-regulated artificial cell populations and tissues 


Overview of all laureates and facts & figures on the ERC Advanced Grants 2023 
