ScienceLink artikelen in C2W international 3, 2021
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Supercritical goes for complementarity
Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) is a chromatography technique with a lot of promise, but it has yet to gain popularity.
Bizarre chemistry for everyone
Whether you want to learn or see something spectacular, YouTube channel NileRed has interesting videos for everyone.
Intracellular antagonists against diseases
The winner of the MCCB PhD Thesis Award 2021 is Dr Natalia Ortiz-Zacarias. The jury found her research to be original, multidisciplinary and ground-breaking.
The two billion bold move that will lead us out of the covid pandemic
We spoke with Pfizer chief Marc Kaptein about the technology of the mRNA platform and the price of vaccines, among other things.
Vegan spider silk
Researchers have developed a sustainable and plant-based alternative material for disposable plastics, imitating the structure of spider silk with soya proteins.
Paradigm shift in organic chemistry
A paradigm in organic chemistry that has been in use since 1931 has turned out to be wrong, Amsterdam scientists found. It is not carbon s-p hybridisation, but steric repulsion that causes the variation of e.g. C-H bond lengths. ‘This discovery has been in the making for about twenty years.’
Copper pyramids catalyse ethylene glycol production
Australian researchers have discovered that copper atoms in pyramid-like structures selectively convert CO and CO2 into ethylene glycol (C2H6O2).