ScienceLink artikelen in C2W international 2, 2021
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Artificial intelligence for photochemistry
The group of Shirin Faraji has developed a toolkit that drastically speeds up calculations on photochemical processes thanks to artificial intelligence.
Bye bye Debye
For almost a century nobody wanted to burn their fingers on the Debye-Hückel theory. Now, Maarten Biesheuvel is putting a bomb under it.
Artificial heart: where organs and robotics meet
A European research team from Amsterdam and Eindhoven is developing an artificial heart that ‘fuses’ with the human body.
Electrochemical gardening
On a zinc disc-electrode, you can plant a micro-garden by corroding it in a sulfuric acid solution, without the need of a green thumb.
Live visualisation of battle between cell and virus
With the new imaging technique VIRIM, you can follow the course of a virus infection in greater detail than ever before.
Mobile replication machinery comes to a halt
Certain sequences on the genome can stop the motile start proteins of DNA replication.
‘The chemical industry in the Netherlands wants to be a leader in sustainability’
Right before the Dutch elections, the VNCI together with the VNPI organised an election debate in January.