English – Pagina 3
Becoming a 21st century chemist
Combining transdisciplinary challenge-based education with design thinking creates a unique environment for students to learn skills that will help them navigate sustainability transitions.
Creating colours
Colour is an intriguing phenomenon, as it is truly in the eye of the beholder. To create that sensation of colour, nanometer-scale particles need to be structured in just the right way.
Biophotonic ‘windows’ enable symbiosis
Several molluscs have developed benificial relationships with symbiotic, photosynthetic algae. Heart cockles boast advanced biophotonic structures in their shells that operate like optic fiber cables to catch and transmit the incoming sunlight.
Tricky protein modification with potential
Lysine crotonylation is an understudied yet very interesting post-translational modification which has great medical potential.
How to embrace feedback as an academic writer
Isabelle Kohler shares practical strategies to help early-career researchers and students not only survive feedback but also embrace it as a powerful tool for growth.
Making square drug fragments under pressure
1,2-substituted cyclobutanes can be easily prepared under high pressure and are interesting building blocks for drug development.
Biocompatible labelling for PET scans
A Franco-Belgian team has developed a gallium-18F complex for PET scans that can also be attached to biomolecules. It could be turned into an 18F radiolabelling kit.
The symmetry of bees lies within
Nature is full of symmetry, though often only on the outside, but recently an international team discovered that honeybees also build the inside of their nests symmetrically. As well as being aesthetically pleasing, this has practical advantages.
It’s not just about money
The government’s massive budget cuts are sparking deep concern across academia. In this column, Isabelle Kohler outlines the primary effects of these cuts on research, higher education, and innovation, with a specific focus on PhD students.
The Thinking Game takes you behind the scenes at DeepMind
The documentary The Thinking Game follows newly minted Nobel laureate Demis Hassabis and his team during the development of AlphaFold.
Pure iron carbide phase nurtures alpha-olefins
Careful pretreatment of your iron catalyst enables the highly efficient production of chemical building blocks in a Fischer-Tropsch reactor, an Eindhoven-Beijing team reports in Nature (after a 5-year reviewing period).
When persistence bears fruit: from invisible effort to visible success
As she celebrates her first year writing for C2W International, Isabelle Kohler reflects on how persistent effort can shape our professional journey. She draws parallels between her writing activity and PhD journey, both relying on invisible work behind visible achievements.
Podium: Ludovic Jourdin
Our members form the beating heart of our societies. Here, we regularly highlight one of them. This time, it’s NBV-member Ludovic Jourdin.
Biosurfactant synthesis in deep eutectic solvents
Natural deep eutectic solvents can be used to produce an interesting biosurfactant in a more sustainable way without organic solvents, Antwerp researchers write in the European Journal of Organic Chemistry.
Biochemical alchemy, greasy proteins and quantum molecules: Vidi grants have been announced
A variety of molecular science project can take off thanks to an NWO Vidi grant. Ranging from CO2 fixation and supramolecular materials capable of learning to AI and sweet molecules.
Clumping pests
A team from Umeå University in Sweden has been studying how bacteria pass on their resistance genes to each other, resulting in a beautiful picture.
KNCV Gold Medal 2024 awarded to Caroline Paul
Jury praises her pioneering and creative research on biocatalysis, which opens new technological routes towards sustainable chemical production.
Artificial cell communication: protein on demand
Researchers in Eindhoven have developed an artificial cell system that mimics the mutual communication of biological cells.
Reducing enzyme can also oxidise
NADPH dehydrogenase can not only reduce but also oxidise by simply raising the pH, as researchers from Delft show in ChemCatChem.
Thriving in academia with a chronic condition
Isabelle Kohler shares her experience of navigating academia while managing health struggles, offering practical strategies for others to thrive too.