English – Pagina 6
Compete with yourself, not your peers
Each PhD or postdoc journey is unique and incomparable and it’s important to measure yourself against your past selve, rather than your peers.
From methanol to formaldehyde at high TEMPO
If you attach the TEMPO catalyst to an electrode, it can replace the role of platinum in the oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde.
Millions for circular plastic projects
Ten projects have been awarded €6 million each by the National Growth Fund program Circular Plastics NL to make circular plastics.
On the road: Exploring Biotech in Europe, part III
The European biotech scene is booming with innovative research going on in a wide variety of areas, ranging from food to energy.
Interrogating materials with water vapour
Using the ubiquitous presence of water, you can get data on a whole range of chemical properties from your materials with dynamic vapour sorption.
On the road: Exploring biotech in Europe, part II
The European biotech scene is booming, with innovative research going on in a wide variety of areas, ranging from food to materials to pharma to energy.
Nanoparticle ligands captured in graphene
If you put gold nanoparticles in a graphene shell, you can see the molecules on the gold surface with an electron microscope, even in a liquid.
Professional development courses during a PhD: smart investment or waste of time?
Some see professional development courses as part of their doctoral program as a waste of time. ‘Au contraire!’, says Isabelle Kohler.
Chemical reaction performs complex calculations
Chemists in Nijmegen have developed a reservoir computing system that uses the formose reaction to perform complex calculations, Nature reports.
Food fight
Harmful bacteria? Don’t be too quick to judge, because sometimes toxins can also be protective.
On the road: Exploring biotech in Europe, part I
The European biotech scene is booming, with innovative research going on in a wide variety of areas, ranging from food to materials to pharma to energy.
Stronger under pressure: new synthetic bond
Researchers in Wageningen have become the first to create catch bonds in the laboratory, which become stronger when force is applied to them.
The specs of PECs unravelled
A team of scientists from Twente was able to solve a hundred-year-old riddle concerning the formation of polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) with NMR.
Antimalarial drug decreases testosterone production in ovaries
Chinese researchers describe how an antimalarial drug inhibits the excess production of ‘male’ hormones, which is a hallmark symptom of PCOS.
Choosing the right PhD supervisors: a make-or-break decision
Isabelle Kohler gives you tips for choosing a PhD supervisor, emphasizing the importance of a good fit for a successful PhD and career.
Polymer waste electrochemically recycled
Electrochemical recycling, made with AI Electrochemistry may be an underexplored option for recycling plastic waste, researchers show in a review in Chemical Science.
Hey Google, what does a brain look like?
A team from Google Research and Harvard University has published the largest ever dataset of neural connections in a fragment of the human brain.
Cheap and sustainable cross-coupling photocatalyst
Graphitic carbon nitride is able to replace iridium as a photocatalyst in cross coupling reactions, greatly reducing cost and carbon footprint.
Fungi everywhere
Fungal materials seem to be everywhere in our lives and their applications seem limitless. But there are also fundamental questions that have yet to be answered.
Size matters: how optical DOSY helps your chemical analysis
InspectT has developed a size-determining chip that can be easily integrated into an IR or UV/Vis spectrometer.