English – Pagina 5
Bridging Bonds Speaker Highlight: Matt Baker (Maastricht)
The new symposium Bridging Bonds will uncover the collaboration potential of soft matter and macromolecules. Here we highlight speaker Matt Baker, associate professor at Maastricht University.
The best of both monomers
By fusing two commonly used monomers into a new monomer, you can combine their best properties, a Leuven team shows in ChemSusChem.
Ig Nobel prize for drunken worms
The Ig Nobel Prizes were awarded again last night, and Dutch scientists from Amsterdam won the Ig Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
From all over the world to Belgium
As an international student you are on an adventure: Exploring an academic subject and becoming familiar with a new culture.
Chemistry and sign language
Four deaf scientists reveal their most common struggles, how signs for scientific concepts are created, and more.
Below the tip of the iceberg: the hidden value of conferences
Isabelle Kohler explores the benefits of conferences that can significantly influence your research and career development in unexpected ways.
New ‘super antibiotic’ overcomes resistance
A team from Leiden has developed an extremely potent antibiotic against Gram-positive bacteria, including drug resistant strains.
Smart intruders
By studying the infection of lung organoids, Swiss researchers revealed how a notorious pathogen deploys a Trojan horse-stategy.
A closer look at The Night Watch
For two weeks, a hand-held Laser Speckle Imaging device analysed The Night Watch from just a few centimetres away.
A wider focus on the international chemist
Attracting and retaining international talent is proving to be a key factor in the scientific success of the Netherlands. But how do you ensure talent retention?
Hundreds of millions for European ‘starters’
Throughout Europe, 494 researchers will receive a €1.5 million ERC Starting Grant. Among the laureates we spotted members from KNCV, NBV and NVBMB.
Back to work: balancing productivity with well-being
Isabelle Kohler shares her journey towards balanced productivity, exploring strategies to optimize her work without compromising her well-being.
‘Fluoride drugs’ can now be made without PFAS
An international team has developed a synthetic strategy to make NCF3, SCF3 and OCF3 anions for drugs with far fewer PFAS-generating steps.
Recyclable superglue
The natural building block α-lipoic acid can be used to make polymers that behave like superglue and are easy to depolymerise locally.
Organic synthesis goes golden
Working with dyes is asking for pretty pictures. While synthesising fluorescent tracers, Maarten van Meerbeek took this picture of a Cy5 dye.
Necessary neurons
Noses are as diverse as the species they belong to. Ants use antennae to detect and process olfactory signals. But without the Orco protein, the development of the required neurons is halted.
‘We need to map the chemical exposome’
To prevent future chemical crises, we need to get a much better grip on the immense amount of substances surrounding us, writes Saer Samanipour.
Podium: Ioana Ilie
Our members are the very heart of our societies. Here, we highlight one of them: Ioana Ilie, member of the KNCV.
ERC Proof of Concept grants 2024 announced
For 19 scientists in Belgium and The Netherlands, good news arrived just in time for the summer holidays as they were granted an ERC Proof of Concept grant.
From black biotar to biopolymer
A biorefinery waste product can be easily processed into functional powders and tough polymers, Leuven researchers show in ChemSusChem.